"Painting is development of seeing and ability, painting is a science"

"Art is research, art is a science"

Galerie Time, Vienna, Austria 2006 (Aghzout)

Abdelkhalek Aghzout El Idrissi

contemporary artist
curriculum vitae

cordially welcomes

curriculum vitae of the artist
personal data:

name:  Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Abdelkhalek Aghzout El Idrissi
date/place of birth: 1958 in Tetouan, Morocco
phone: +43 681 10417897
e-mail: art@aghzout.com
homepage: www.aghzout.com


1979 - 1983 after qualification for university entrance 1979 «année préparatoire aux études supérieures», study at the university Hassan II and at the university Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco
DEUG (Diplôme d´Études Universitaires Générales) – physics and chemistry.

1983 - 1986 success at the „Concours“ (selective entrance examination at French elite universities) and study at the ENS (Ecole Normale Supérieure) Cachan / university Orsay, Paris XI, France

1989 - 1995  technical university (TU) Vienna, Austria, branch of study: electrical engineering-
Industrial electronics and control engineering      

12/1995 graduate engineer of electrical engineering at TU Vienna

1996 - 2002 doctorate study of technical sciences -electrical engineering, TU Vienna

10/2002  Graduation: doctor of technical sciences, TU Vienna


research assistant

* two international awards (1998 and 1999) for the development of a new theory, application in microelectronics, especially in interconnection technique for miniaturised components (LCD-displays, chips, ect.).

*pioneer of this research area in Austria, foundation of a new line of research at the institute.

Artistic career:

Interest in art already in early childhood, which at the beginning of the seventies was strengthened by the instruction with professor Alami Bertouli in Morocco. Several years he dedicates himself to pencil and ink drawings.

In the eighties and nineties he engaged in watercolor , oil painting and passed finally to acrylic painting on canvas and paper. In his acrylic works he applies also the former techniques.

„Painting is a science“ –  so he researches as an artist equally as in technique. He deals with color theories for years – his pictures are the result of it, only one stopover, the development always continues. His slogan: „Say that you do not know it. If you say, that you do not know it, one shows you, until you know it. If you say, you know it, one asks you, until you do not know it any longer.”
To his painting he says: „Painting is development of seeing and ability.“

Science affects his painting - on one side precision, on the other abstraction. Within both areas he attaches importance to reliability.

Since 1987 the artist lives in Austria, since 1989 in Vienna, the studio „an der Niederhaid” at the border of the Viennese forest is under construction. Aghzouts pictures were presented in several solo, duo exhibitions and international group exhibitions. Collectors of high standing in several countries own his paintings.

His pictures are manifold and multicolored, characterized by the mild light and the strong colors of his homeland, converted into contemporary painting.

He is member of IG Bildende Kunst in Austria, Berufsvereinigung der bildenden Künstler Österreich in Austria and IAA (International Association of Art to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and cultural Organisation, UNESCO).

„Aghzouts pictures speak their own language. More than his words… mild light and strong colors… his own color palette. His „development of seeing“ leads to compositions with power and energy, emotion and harmony. They reflect the colorfulness of Morocco, its humans, its culture, from which already artists as Delacroix, Miró, Matisse,….were fascinated.“

Günter Wolfgang Wachtl (chairman of the art circle Vienna, inner city)